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Definition of Inductance: Inductive Coils and Transformers


The function is to filter, oscillate, delay, and trap.

【 Definition 】 Inductance is the ratio of the magnetic flux generated inside and around a wire by alternating current passing through the wire to the current producing this flux.

Inductive coils and transformers

Inductive coil: When there is current in a wire, a magnetic field is established around it. Usually, we wind the wires into a coil to enhance the magnetic field inside the coil. Inductive coils are made by winding wires (enameled wire, yarn wrapped wire, or bare wire) one by one (the wires are insulated from each other) around an insulating tube (insulator, iron core, or magnetic core). Generally, an inductive coil has only one winding.

Transformer: When a changing current flows through an inductive coil, not only does it generate an induced voltage at both ends of itself, but it can also generate an induced voltage in nearby coils. This phenomenon is called mutual inductance. Two coils that are not connected to each other but are close to each other and have electromagnetic induction between them are generally called transformers.

Symbols and units of inductance

Inductance symbol: L

Inductance unit: Heng (H), milliHeng (mH), microHeng (uH), 1H=103mH=106uH.

Nominal inductance: direct standard, color ring standard, and non-standard

Inductive directionality: No direction

Method for checking the quality of inductance: Use an inductance measuring instrument to measure its inductance; Using a multimeter to measure its on/off, the ideal inductance resistance is very small, almost zero.

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Address: Floor 3, No. 7 Xinfeng Road, Shangsha Fourth Industrial Zone, Chang'an Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province

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Youchen Technology
Dongguan Youchen Electronic Technology Co., Ltd
Tel: 0769-85328400 8533526885336465
Fax: 0769-85308615
Email: admin@dgyouchen.com
Website: www.44588.cn
Address: Floor 3, No. 7 Xinfeng Road, Shangsha Fourth Industrial Zone, Chang'an Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
Yue ICP Bei No. 13008404
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