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Development of Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitor


In today's electronic shopping malls, there are countless electronic components. Among them, there are many types of capacitors, and the classification of SMD capacitors mainly depends on their withstand voltage. If the additional voltage of SMD capacitors is greater than 100V, we can define them as medium and high voltage capacitors. If it is greater than 1KV, it belongs to high voltage SMD capacitors. Let's talk about it belowDongguanHuake High Voltage Chip CapacitorAdvantages

The high-voltage chip capacitor itself is equipped with advanced dielectric materials and precious metal electrode slurry. After special internal design and strict process inspection and control, it has the characteristics of high breakdown voltage, good consistency, and high reliability

At present, high-voltage capacitors are mainly divided into high-voltage Ceramic capacitor, high-voltage film capacitors and high-voltage polypropylene capacitors, among which high-voltage Ceramic capacitor are popular



High voltage chip capacitorThe primary advantage ofIt has the characteristics of small scale, high pressure resistance, stable performance, no oil or gas, and will not cause flammable or explosive hazards

According to the current social development, the capacitors containing oil and gas that are prone to explosion pollution will be replaced by new capacitors in the future, so the future will be the development opportunity of high-voltage capacitors. High voltage Ceramic capacitor do not have these dangerous factors, but also have irreplaceable advantages, such as long life, good reliability, small size, solid state, etc

There are some mistakes in the use of high-voltage Ceramic capacitor, such as voltage. In the use of high-frequency pulses, it refers to DC voltage, while in the use of power grid facilities, it refers to communication voltage, which is different from the conventional ones

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Email: admin@dgyouchen.com
Website: www.44588.cn
Address: Floor 3, No. 7 Xinfeng Road, Shangsha Fourth Industrial Zone, Chang'an Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province

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Youchen Technology
Dongguan Youchen Electronic Technology Co., Ltd
Tel: 0769-85328400 8533526885336465
Fax: 0769-85308615
Email: admin@dgyouchen.com
Website: www.44588.cn
Address: Floor 3, No. 7 Xinfeng Road, Shangsha Fourth Industrial Zone, Chang'an Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province
Yue ICP Bei No. 13008404
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