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The function of series capacitors


seriesCapacitorIt is also a type of reactive power compensation equipment usually connected in series in high-voltage lines of 330kV and above. Its main function is to improve the system voltage from the perspective of compensating (reducing) reactance, in order to reduce electrical energy loss and improve system stability.

Series capacitors are widely used in power transmission and distribution systems, especially in long-distance and high-capacity Electric power transmission, to increase transmission capacity, improve system stability, improve system voltage regulation, and improve system power factor and reduce line loss.

Series capacitor function
The reciprocal of the equivalent capacitance of a series capacitor is equal to the sum of the reciprocal of the capacitance of each capacitor: 1/Ctotal=1/C1 1/C2... 1/Cn. Parallel connection of capacitors can increase the capacitance, while series connection can reduce it. For example, if there is no large capacitor on hand, only small ones can be used together. Conversely, if there is no small one, large ones can be used in series. Series capacitors are also a type of reactive power compensation equipment usually connected in series in ultra-high voltage lines of 330kV and above. Their main function is to improve the system voltage from the perspective of compensating (reducing) reactance, reduce electrical energy loss, and improve system stability.

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Youchen Technology
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